The Earth is actually flat, people. That's right. Everyone laughs at the Flat Earth Society, but all this time they were only trying to show us the truth. The Earth is flat and therefore DOES NOT have an atmosphere. This means that global warming is FAKE. When smoke comes out of cars and factories, it just goes into space. There is no need to worry about global warming, it is just a LIE from the government! Now, back onto the topic of the Earth being flat. To address those who do not believe the truth, answer me this: if the Earth was round like you peasants all think it is, how come people in Australia don't fall off the world????? Look up into the sky. You see clouds, you see the sun, you see the blue sky. What does that tell you? That's right. The Earth is CONFIRMED to be FLAT.
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EXACTLY. If the earth is round, then why am I not constantly walking uphill.?